How much do you appreciate Boccherini's music?

To all classical music lovers,

Because new amplifier and cable purchase so I decided to listen to the music I am not familiar with for this break-in period. I picked up Boccherini's music which had been ignored in my CD draws for years. Yes, I owned them but didn't pay too much attention to his music while I played them.

But these past two weeks I just realized there are so many interest elements in Boccherini's music.

Don't want to limit the direction of this thread, I hope you will kindly share your opinions, feelings and nice recordings regarding Boccherini's music before I post mine.

Happy Listening!


Showing 2 responses by yu11375

Hi Lloydelee21,

Thank you for your suggestions. I will look into those recordings.

For guitar quintet, I do enjoy Melos Quartet's recording but also The Artaria Quartet with Richard Savino is wonderful too. Castanet performance in No.4 (G. 448) just so amazing. It makes the music like passionate Flamenco music. Not too many pieces of Boccherini's music show Spanish influences that obviously.

The other day when I typed in Boccherini to research some information in this forum only 4 related thread showed up. All of them are just remotely related to his music. That triggered me the interest to start this thread.

Hope we will have more participants to join.

Thank you for providing your suggestions.

Yes, some people of Boccherini's close circle died brought his very difficult time. His supporter and first wife died brought him serve challenge financially and emotionally. But yet some of his great compositions were finished in that period.

I just listen to two different versions of "The Night Music of the Streets of Madrid" last night. One in piano quintet (G418) and the other one in string quintet (G324). It was so intersting to play this two versions one after the other. The string quintet is more close to Boccherini's original intent but the arrangement of piano quintet make the "night march" so vivid and dramatic.

Unfortunately I don't have the one in guitar quintete (G453) to compare.

Happy Listening!
