How much $$ do bells and whistles add to preamp?

Hi All, I’m looking for a new preamp, but I don’t want or need things like home theater bypass, streaming, DAC, headphones, etc. Just a great preamp (maybe with phono). I’m looking at lots of models (Like Classe, Wyred4Sound, Peachtree, etc.) that come with lots of extras, and I’m wondering how much of the price devolves to those add-ons that I don’t want. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, as usual.

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Showing 1 response by jomonhifi

Or….you could use the DAC - Streamer as a pre-amp…

Since the recent APEX Upgrades to the DCS line of DACS, there are a few Bartok’s out there for good prices on an amazing sounding DAC.

Or… get a used ARC Ref 6 - maybe one of the finest Pre-Amps out there and work your way up the DAC ladder over time.