How Much Do Aesthetics Factor Into Your Decisions?

Right or wrong, I have always taken what a component looks like into consideration when making a purchase. I like my components to look good.

Much like when I buy clothes. Fit, comfort and construction are important, but clothing also has to make you feel good when you wear it.

How do you feel about it.

Do you want everything to have a certain synergy of appearance, or are you okay wearing brown shoes with a tuxedo? So to speak.


Showing 1 response by akg_ca

There is a hierarchy that assists in distilling my product choices.

Intuitively, first and foremost…it’s best-of-breed class audio performance in each their budget strata respective equipment class, ... Full stop. Build quality and audio performance matters ..,, it’s the big first one that selects the contenders from all the pretenders .

BUT …..and it’s a big “BUT”. it’s also their appearance & impressions with an “EZ on the eyes “ additional further decision factor among the distilled contenders above , thst cannot be simply ignored either . For example. Classy polished wood high-end speaker cabinets build , instead of defaulting to cheap cost cutters with vinyl over MDF.