How much difference does a phono preamp really make?

Sorry for the noob question...

I have a Technics SL1200-GR turntable with two cartridges; a Denon DL110 and a Clearaudio Performer. I also have two phono stages; a Consonance PM6 and the internal phono stage in my Belles Aria integrated. 

To my ears, there is no discernable difference in sound between the two phono stages. 

I'm just wondering, if I went up to say a Clearaudio Smart Phono, or a Rogue, or even a GoldNote PH-10; would I be able to tell? How critical is a quality phono pre in analog sound reproduction?


Showing 6 responses by audionoobie

@artemus_5  I can hear a difference between the two carts. Not so much with the two phono pre's

@earlflynn  I'm very sorry to hear about your stepson. Thank for your input. 

@dekay  I did. The Denon sounded better on the MC setting although I believe the manufacturer recommends using MM. 

Thank you to everyone else so far. It seems like my carts may not be good enough for me to notice a difference between my entry phono stages. 

I posted a question to the Technics SL1200 group on Facebook about recommended cartridges. Most seemed to point to the ATVM760 SLC. Would this be a significant upgrade to my Denon and Clearaudio?

@artemus_5  I didn't say that the cart is the most important component. What I will say is the 1210GR is the most expensive TT I feel comfortable buying. Now it becomes a matter of optimizing and getting the best possible sound quality with what I have.

From what I understand the arm on the 1210 is pretty good. Good TT, good arm, just ok carts, and a just ok phono pre. Makes sense to me that I would get the biggest bang for buck upgrading the cart. 

But I'm still taking this all in and trying to learn.

@mijostyn Awesome!! Thanks!!

Thanks again for all the wonderful replies. I am taking in all this great information.

@chakster "Better phono stage will not make your average cartridges any better. You have to start with a cartridge."

This sounds like excellent advice and I will definitely heed it. Thanks!
It's a little comforting to me that there are disagreements on this topic from those that know far more than I do! 
Quick update: This thread generated a lot of interesting discussion for me. Some felt that upgrading the phono pre in my system was a greater priority and others felt the cartridge was. 

My take away was that SQ could be vastly improved by upgrading BOTH. So I decided to plunk down $$ for an AT VM760SLC. Wow!!! Vastly superior to the Denon DL110 and Clearaudio Performer carts. Just on another level. I think the treble is just a tad tipped up but I think I can live with it. 

Next is phonostage. I want to keep my spend around $1,500. What to get?  I've been taking a look at:

1. Used Manley Chinook for around $1,400.
2. Gold Note PH-10 new for around $1,600.
3. Rogue Ares used around $1,200.

I've heard nothing but good things about the Herron but he is not producing phono pre's any more at this point.

Any opinions about these choices, their SQ, and current compatibility? 

For reference I'm using:

Technics SL1200GR TT
Audioquest Big Sur phono IC's
Audioquest Yukon IC's between preamp and monos
Consonance PM6 phono pre
Belles Aria preamp
Belles Aria mono blocks
Vandersteen 1ci speakers (would love to upgrade to Treo CT's some day)


OP here. I haven't checked in on this thread in a while. Quick update, I purchased a used Herron VTPH-1 for about $1k that I've been very happy with. However, since I purchased a Lumin T2 I don't find myself spinning much vinyl lately. That's a whole separate discussion! ;)