How much budget for bass?

I think I may have been thinking about this all wrong. If Bass is the foundation for music how much of your speaker budget should be applied toward a sub? I was thinking the sub was just to enhance the mains but maybe it is the other way around? never heard a sub properly setup for music so what are your thoughts? thanks,Scott

Showing 1 response by byegolly

I prefer primary speakers which do not require bass augmentation (I'm talking non-A/V systems here), and there are many to choose from. G-o-o-d bass? Too many have been weaned on exaggerated bass such as that dreadful sound in cineplexes (yes, there are movie theater venues with good acoustics, but they are few and far between). I always tell fellow audio shoppers to first attend folk, Jazz, classical performances in various intimate indoor venues. Most over twenty-something know what outdoor concert sound systems sound like, but most will not be replicating that effect in their homes. For those with room correction software/equipment who disagree with me, we all have our opinions.