How much better is Theta Cas 2 compared to Classe

I currently own the Classe SSP-75, and was if anyone has compared these two units(Theta casablanca II) directly or have owned the both of them at one time or another. Is it worth the upgrade? Would I need the Extreme Dac's to hear a big difference, or will superior dac's do the job. Do I need either of these dac's in all channels or can I get away with just the front 2 channel ungraded dac's in order to better my Classe. I am currently using a Classe CAV 150 amp. I am interested in comparing these two units FOR HOME THEATER only. I am using Joseph Audio mains and center and Revel surround speakers with all MIT cabling. Don't get me wrong, it sounds phenomenal right now but I am interested in taking it to the next level if I can. Thanks to everyone who responds.

Showing 1 response by tdavism3

I guess everyone has an opinion, so here's mine. I compared teh Theta and Classe products and went with the Theta CB II (w/ extreme DACs). In my opinion, the decision was not even close. The CB II is in a different league from the Classe piece, both in terms of performance and price. For what it is worth, I would encourage you to buy a Theta Dreadnaught amplified if you buy the CB. The two together are an outstanding combo. By way of background, I started out with your typical Sony receiver then upgraded to a Sunfire Theater Grand II, then to a Proceed AVP, then to a Krell HTS 2 (after comparing to a Classe SSP-75). I sold the Krell after hooking up a Theta Casa Nova. The cheapest Theta blew the doors off the Krell and, in my opinion, the Classe. Now that I have the Theta CB II, I do not think I will feel the need to upgrade anytime soon. In addition to the audio quality, Theta has an excellent history of offering real upgrades. In fact, you can take a CB I and, for a couple of thousand dollars, upgrade it to a CB III. Try that with a Classe.