How many vinyl albums do you own you listen to?

So far I own around 300 vinyl albums all purchased in a last 20 years. Even while I listen to for about 10 albums a week it seems I want to keep adding more and more to my library. I wonder if there is a point when one says it's enough, there is no point to add more as there is no time or an interest to listen to them all. How many do you have? How much time it look to put it together? How many of them do you really listen? 

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

There is a psychological concept called "stimulus variation" If you listen to the same albums over and over again you will get bored and seek "stimulus variation." So you go out and buy some new records then you play them over and over until you wear them out both physically and mentally. This is a great way to build up a worn out record collection.  What I tell newbies to do is save up a couple of grand then buy 100 records then buy 4 records monthly. This way you never get bored with them and you build up a pristine collection. There is no upper limit.