How many people wish they could maintain and/or service/modify their own tube equipment?

I know many people attempt to repair and/or modify their own tube amps and tube preamps with poor results. They don’t know what to modify, how to troubleshoot to repair, have poor soldering ability or even just how to maintain it. My question is if you were able to have someone teach you on-line one-on-one via Zoom or Skype would you want to learn to do it yourself? Do you think this might be a good idea in these troubled times? What would you be looking for?

Showing 1 response by rodman99999

Some shouldn’t ride Harleys, or Skydive.      Some should never pick up a hammer(for any reason), or soldering iron(near tube gear).      Some things are harder to get killed with, than others.      Gravity and high voltages, can prove very unforgiving.      Then again; the only people that never fail, are those that never try.      AND; there’s only one way to learn self-reliance.      The competent generally aspire, to rely on themselves and are willing to learn(yes: they would be interested).