How Many People Here Know About Lenehan Speakers

Hi Guys

I live real close to Lenehan Audio out here in Australia, go down there all the time to hear stuff, and own a lot of their equipment.

They are a small outfit here in Australia and I thought probably not that well known.

I have seen a few posts recently where people a bit further afield seem know about them or have them - not just in New York where Swap Meet Audio is a dealer but wider afield. So just out of curiosity I was wondering who actually knows about them, has heard them, and what do they think?


Showing 1 response by bhobba

Koobla its exactly like I said in my post - I live real close to them, go there all the time to hear their stuff, and own a lot of their gear. I do not work for them, receive any kickbacks, or get commission. Because of that I am most certainly biased and when I talk about Lenehan gear, except on forums where I am well known, always add what I said above and explain I am biased.

The post was simply because I saw a few posts here and elsewhere that made me think they were starting to be better known.

To the others that posted thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts - its appreciated.
