How many of us are truly diversified

So here is my question after reading a couple of these Class D threads and how they are taking over the world.
How many of us are truly diversified in our home audio systems. How many of us have multiple systems in the home that are of different class amps or integrated.

I have Class D Yamaha and NAD 3020 out by my pool.We have a Pass Labs INT25 (A) in the bedroom.
Quicksilver Integrated AB tube in the officeAH Quliton X200 class A/AB in the living roomAnd I have a Bel Canto.One C5i in the hangar.
I am going to say I love my tube amps and the thing I like about the Class D stuff I have is I can go Cheap, Cheap on speakers. Hell they are on the deck by my pool and in our hanger (cheap old metal style hanger, rusty and almost a dirt floor).
So I was curious how many of us here have multiple systems of various classes and what is your fave.


Showing 3 responses by jjss49


SO MUCH more than meets the untrained ear!
just like listening to the difference between $2000 rare earth metal fuses 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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i am fortunate to have 4 systems across 2 homes... 

relating to 'variety' in system building...

-- know the room, its needs, how gear will be set up for listening (good listening triangle? symmetry?)
-- what is your source if there is a clear preference for one (or more)
-- what are your cosmetic, situational, ’waf’ constraints
-- build it from the speakers back to source, being true to your listening desires (’live’ exciting sound, background ’mellowing’ music while multi-tasking, etc etc)

technology (class of amplifier, topology of dac, mm/mc cart, planar vs dynamic speakers) doesn’t make the cut in this critical thought process unless it suits one of the above criteria

meh conveys many thousands of words among reasonably well educated jewish americans...  especially well dressed suburban females !! 😆😆😆😆
i don’t ’diversify’ by technology... technology is only a means to an end, what the technology deployed in a piece of audio gear is only of interest on an intellectual level ... it is the result that matters and what i really care about -- how good is the music produced...

i also think ’diversify’ is the wrong word, as it implies an objective of managing risk or downside of some sort - not what we are doing in this pursuit

the proper notion the op may be trying to get at is to simply ’have variety’ -- that i do, like having tube and solid state amplification... once again, only in service to the resulting musical experience it produces