How many Maggie owners have special stands?

I have recently put cinder blocks and top of my Maggie stands and am amazed at the improvement. The midrange became the main focus of the sound (not the bass) and the speakers came alive in the midrange in a way that I could not achieve with amps or wire.

I want to take my stands to the extreme now and make them absolutely rigid.

My questions are:

What is everyone else doing and how does it affect the sound?

Has anyone run posts from the floor to the ceiling and attached the speakers to them?

Maybe the second question is not necessary but you get the idea, I am convinced this is the kind of improvment Maggie owners want, more 'snap' and micro dynamics is what I hear.


Showing 1 response by banksfriend

I have my 3.5s on Sound Anchor stands. I HIGHLY RECOMEND replacing the oe stands. The Sound Anchor stands use turnbuckles to adjust the angle of the speakers (5 degrees forward seems to be the majic #) similar to Tireguys idea. The aftermarket stands also allow you to couple the speakers to the floor which helps out the bass. Most ads that have included the aftermarket stands have gotten thier investment back with a little higher selling price(but why would you want to sell them?)