How many hours weekly do you listen to your system

It seemed that back in the 60's and 70's more time was spent listening to music.Today with video games, cable TV ,computers and forums like this one less time is set aside for listening.
Our equipment costs much more then it did back then and hopefully it sounds better.Why then dont we listen more.

Showing 1 response by stevecham

I listen about 14 to 20 hours per week. I would listen more if I had the time. I can't listen at work simply because I love music so much, it would distract me into listening. I am not a music as wall paper listener. In addition on the weekends I play guitar for at least 4 or 5 hours and compose/record/produce original music.

All the above keeps me sane and so far, healthy (knock on wood, tapping head, of course).