how many folks have +10kVA trannys before the rig?

in a zen way, water is the source of it all, and the source of water is the source of life.

it strikes me that the source for audiophiles is the wall, where power quality goes up and down at a whim. if we purify the source...

i was thinking of putting one or two 10kva industrial class isolation transformer outside my house, and running all the dedicated outlets to it. anyone do likewise?


Showing 3 responses by ngjockey

I've got a 5KVA GE step-down wired for balanced AC output (derate by half) feeding two amps of 500W draw each. The idea is to isolate, so a single household one defeats some of the purpose, but not entirely. 10KVA, single phase transformers are rare and about 200lbs. Most that size are 3-phase.

Noticed a 5KVA Sola MCR on Ebay that does regulation and harmonic filtering but you have to be careful not to exceed the rating of these type, even more so than "regular" ones. Haven't heard of anyone doing a center tap on these, probably because of the price.