How many DVDs/CDs/LPs do you own?

The "how much did you spend on your system?" thread got me to much software does the typical Audiogoner have? And what is it's value, as a percentage of your hardware? As for me: 100 DVDs, 330 CDs, 250 value about 30-40% of my total A/V hardware. I feel guilty...a cousin of mine boasts 2000 CDs and 8000 LPs!
75 DVDs
800 CDs
0 LPs
Actual software cost is about 40% of actual cost of hardware.

Other potentially interesting demographic bits:
Not DVD-A enabled.
Not SACD enabled.
PVR enabled.
200 DVD's
700 CD's
300 LP's (but no bloody turn table)
I am fine representation of the typical "A/V dork" but I have a feeling I am in good company.
370 CD's, 85 DVD's and 240 LP's at last count. Not too very many as these things go.
Post removed 
120 CDs (fastest growing group)
250 cassettes (and declining as they fail)
450 lps (mostly in storage due to renovations)
About 4,500 78 rpm records (Times and formats change, I guess)

I think the last time I checked sw was about 40%, but as always I'm upgrade bound, so this too will pass.
