How many dealers do you use?

When buying gear retail, do you use only one dealer with whom you develop a relationship, or more than one? 

Showing 1 response by ptman

There is one brick and mortar in St Louis, Music for Pleasure, that I’ve used consistently in the past when buying products that they represent. Another that I used didn’t have a formal brick and mortar, operating out of his house, but is no longer in business. I’ve also worked with a couple of other dealers/distributors who do not have a formal brick and mortar shop, AAudio Imports and Laufer Teknik. For all three, I trust their input and recommendations. While I’ve also bought used gear over the years, I believe it’s important to establish a personal relationship with a dealer to gain their insights and recommendations, have the ability to audition in your own home, and to have support after the sale. Knowing someone personally always beats a 1-800 number, and the only way to have them survive as businesses is to support them.