Bakersfield - Best Buy, White Vans that sell speakers in parking lots, Apple Store, Wal-Mart, Costco. Pop +330K.
How many dealers are in "your "City ?
Here is a list of equipment that can be bought in the Minneapolis ,MN area .
Speakers : Golden Ear,Martin Logan,NHT,Paradigm,B&W,Dynaudio,Vienna Acoustics,Zu Audio,Anthony Gallo,Linn,Magnepan,Sonus Fabre,Spendor,Vandersteen,Wilson Audio,and Thiel.
Bryston,Audio Research,Rogue Audio,Electrocompanient,McIntosh,Classe,Anthem,Rotel,Cambridge Audio,Atmasphere,Ayre,BelCanto,and NAD
Not all can be demoed. A few speakers and amps/preamps from each manufacturer can be heard .I would say 25% of a companies product line can be heard. Is this a normal situation in the U.S. ?? What is your city like ? Slim pickings !
Speakers : Golden Ear,Martin Logan,NHT,Paradigm,B&W,Dynaudio,Vienna Acoustics,Zu Audio,Anthony Gallo,Linn,Magnepan,Sonus Fabre,Spendor,Vandersteen,Wilson Audio,and Thiel.
Bryston,Audio Research,Rogue Audio,Electrocompanient,McIntosh,Classe,Anthem,Rotel,Cambridge Audio,Atmasphere,Ayre,BelCanto,and NAD
Not all can be demoed. A few speakers and amps/preamps from each manufacturer can be heard .I would say 25% of a companies product line can be heard. Is this a normal situation in the U.S. ?? What is your city like ? Slim pickings !