How many concerts do you attend a year

How many concerts do you attend on an average per year and what type of concerts do you attend. What seat do you strive for in the concert hall and what aspect of the sound do you enjoy.

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Showing 3 responses by cornfedboy

i attend 6 or 7 colorado symphony concerts a year, sitting in the seats owned by a friend who's a member of the board (dead center- about twenty rows from the conductor; we have a hall in the round modeled, unfortunately, after berlin's). i also go to an average of 2 rock/blues/groove concerts/mo and usually sit (sit?) in the vip or comp sections, courtesy of my well-connected older son. (hey, i supported him for more than 20 years--this is just a little payback!) -cfb
sugarbrie: indeed, she does. the orchestra has matured wonderfully under her direction. unfortunately, as is the case in a number of cities, the CSO is facing a deficit of >$.5 mil this year, which will be hard to erase in this economy. -cfb
sugarbrie: i've heard and seen marin alsop conduct the CSO with nadja solerno sonnenberg performing as the soloist. if they're on form in baltimore, expect magic. absolutely not to be missed. -cfb