How make my Ayre system "warmer"?

Hello and happy christmas!

Please help to make How make my Ayre system "warmer".

My System:
Ayre K-5xe
Ayre V-5xe
Ayon Eagle (speaker with Accuton ceramic chassis)
Linn UniDisk 1.1
Cardas Golden Reference XLR
Shunyata Phoenix speaker cables

It´s a great system. It´s makes so many things very very good but it´s a little bid on the "lean" or "clean" side.

How can I change this to be "warmer" without loosing transparency and tonality and musical enjoyment? Other cables? Would be an K-1x as preamp a real step forward? Or an C-7xe as red book player. I love the Linn because he´s DVD playing is great (picture and sound).



Showing 1 response by brf

The room is a huge variable which needs to be addressed. Before committing any dollars into equipment changes, address the room's acoustical properties first, only then will you know the true equipment capabilities. Acoustic room treatment was the single greatest improvement/upgrade and the biggest return on $ invested that I've ever done.