How loud are you typically listening?

Typically 75 to 80dB.  Really loud is 90dB and I'm never over, and I mean never, 95dB.  I'm using a professional SPL meter, C weighted, slow response.  Just curious.

Showing 2 responses by mozartfan

@tcutter,Very good point.Anywhere from 70-82db at 9 feet away from speaker. For me this depends on the quality of the music and recording itself.

Yes agree, if i am really into say Schnittke or Pettersson and feel like blowing the mind, I'll crank it up a  tad, as there are passages quiet, , but then gets very active. Schnittke can go from hardly audible then same score, blasting horn section. If the recording has quality i'll give a  gain on the vol. 
But mostly I am reading (yes dif to study and hear(= Really listen)  Schnittke same time
So my vol usually stays at background level,,and I have a  100 pure watt Jadis Defy7 amp, hardly using much of that power for sure. 
But that could change with my next new project, addinga DavidLouis Full Range, say in July. Just spent $1500 upgrading my Thor speakers. 
low volume for me, not sure why audiophiles like loud. 
I am about to build a  david Louis 10 inch full range + titanium tweet, now i can add a  bit more gain. 
My Thors sound great but need a  larger room size for added gain. My Thors will match any speaker under $2k, but I'm betting my new project of Davidlouis full range will beat out the Thors, so I can add some gain and still not sound aggessive in my smallish room 10X12 8 ft ceiling. 
But loud? Why? whats the point. There is a threshold where audiophiles go over, not sure why? whats the point <<loud>>????