How long....Silver....How Long?

I bought an Analysis Plus Silver Ovals speaker cables( used). Right now, I have it connected for 24 hrs. straight playing music. The sound is okay but not impressive, it's a little bit harsh still. From one of the posting that I made, a member commented that for silver, it takes longer to "break in" the cables. My question is as follows:
1. For used cables(such as mine), does expected break in periods still apply?
2. Roughly, how long should I wait until the cables shows its natural sound? Or at least a hint of it.
3. Is it premature to say that the cable is not a good match in my system?

all comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


Showing 1 response by ljgj

I used silver with my tube amp with some success but really never preferred them to copper or hybrids. They tend to be bright to my ears and even when burned in (cooked) as they say only with the warmth of a tube amp do they sound acceptable to my taste. When left without use they go back to the uncooked stage and take longer to come back to the sound I like. At least this is IMHO.