How long should a cartridge last?

I have a Shelter 501 that started acting up (skipping...I also didn't set my new arm up properly). The folks at The Analog Room said I needed a new cartridge, which I just got. So, my first Shelter lasted about 3 and a half years and saw very regular use, perhaps an hour a day, maybe more (on average). Still, I was surprised it went kaput so fast. Do folks typically just buy a new cartridge (as my dealer recommended) or just get a new stylus? I did not quite understand the explanation...the "suspension when out"...I could call my dealer and ask again, but I thought I would post here and see what other folks might say.

Showing 2 responses by stanwal

Send the old one to Soundsmith and get a new cantilever installed. Cost starts at $150. They have done a couple for me.
The ones I have had done sound fine. Exactly the same as before? Doubtful, two new cartridges of the same model seldom sound exactly the same. But well worth the expense; there is a good chance that they will sound better than before but that is a separate question. I am an unusual dealer in that my orientation is toward the customer spending the LEAST amount of money for the sound he/she wants. Since I don't depend of it for my livelihood I can entertain such an attitude. If you still have the old one I would either advertise it on here as in as is condition for some else to buy and have repaired or do this myself to have on hand as a spare.