How long should a cartridge last?

I have a Shelter 501 that started acting up (skipping...I also didn't set my new arm up properly). The folks at The Analog Room said I needed a new cartridge, which I just got. So, my first Shelter lasted about 3 and a half years and saw very regular use, perhaps an hour a day, maybe more (on average). Still, I was surprised it went kaput so fast. Do folks typically just buy a new cartridge (as my dealer recommended) or just get a new stylus? I did not quite understand the explanation...the "suspension when out"...I could call my dealer and ask again, but I thought I would post here and see what other folks might say.

Showing 2 responses by mcmprov

Really, Axiss Audio would have replaced it? Wow...Analog Room should have known about that policy...I might check in an see what they have to say about that. Not sure, but possible I could have played about 2,000 hours on it.

The dealer told me sending to Soundsmith would not result in the cartridge sounding the same...not sure what to make of that. The dealer certainly seemed like a pretty credible guy. Turntable sounds fantastic.

Lesson learned? Unfortunately not, as I'm not sure where I went wrong. I certainly tried to set it up properly...even bought Wally Tools and a Fozgometer. Anyway, I needed help...wanted to pay a reasonable price, but may have ended up paying too much.
I easily set up the VPI Scout by myself. When I tried to put a Graham Phantom on Aries, one problem I encountered..the Furutech tone arm cable could not fit very well into the hole in the plith...the 90 degree din was just too large. I think it was bumping against the plinth. I eventually adjusted it and got it to fit into these very tight quarters better. Anyway, not understanding this, I set the tracking force very high. The records kept skipping and I had thought the tracking force might be the problem. Ooopps. So, that might have shortened my cartridge life. I guess that might have been what happened.