How long it take before your system/amps sound

...the best. My system sounds the best after 12 hours of playing. I didn't realize this until I inadvertently left my system on overnight. I was surprised how much better it sounded compared having the system on for an hour or two. I have tube DAC and amps, which probably are the reason for long warm up. His really surprised me.

Showing 2 responses by tbg

My BMC M1 amps take about two hours to get up to snuff. I turned them off tonight just to check whether that is still true.
I think this varies too much to reach generalities. I generally leave all solid state stuff on 24/7. Given the cost of tubes and my uncertainty whether turning them on and off harms them more than being left on, I generally leave all but amps on 24/7. In Texas leaving big tube amps on is cost electric heating and cooling to undo it.