By the way, I'm running a Technics SL1200GR and since the LCR MkIII and Copla have been MIA, I'm using a MoFi Studio phono pre.
Cartridges are a Benz Micro Glider, Ortofon MC Rondo and Audio-Technica VM540ML.
How Long Is Too Long?
I know this forum has tons of experience with all things audio.
My question to the members is when you send a piece of gear to the manufacturer for repair; what is a reasonable turnaround time?
I will leave the "company" out for now because I don't want to potentially hurt their business if it's not warranted.
I sent my phono pre and step up device in for repairs four months ago. It's a small one man operation in California. Around the time I sent them in, one of his products got a small positive review in Stereophile magazine and he said that since then he's been swamped with orders. Understandable I guess and good for him. Not so good for me though.
As I said, I haven't seen my equipment in four months. Is this considered reasonable? I called him about a month ago and talked to him directly and he assured me that he would get to my equipment soon. So far, nothing. I guess I should have asked what his definition of "soon" is.
I'm happy that he's selling units and business has picked up for him but with his new found success it appears like us early supporters are being left out in the cold.
I know my hands are tied at this point and I do have a back up phono pre of lower cost and quality so I haven't been without the ability to play records.
I appreciate any thoughts or advice.
@ jasonbourne71,No, I don't have to pay for the repairs. That's good I guess but the question now is, is it worth it? I've been casually looking at used phono pre's on this site and USAudiomart as I may just write it off as a loss until I get it back and then I can decide if I want to sell it or not.. |
@ yogiboy,Fortunately, my phono pre is not in the same class as yours. I would be really pissed if it was and I had to wait so long. LOL! |
@ mike_in_nc, I get what you are saying and as I said, I gave him a call. He said he was swamped due to a big influx of orders but at some point you have to take care of your customers who already bought and own a piece of your equipment. Especially if it is in need of repair due to parts failure which I believe is the problem after talking to the owner/designer/builder. He admitted as such. |
@ ozzy, Yeah, no matter what the excuse is, it appears we’re at the mercy of the manufacturer. I guess we can only hope that we get our problems or issues resolved in a reasonable amount of time. When I spoke to the guy, he said he wasn’t even answering emails any more because he felt like he was just getting "feelers" and he didn’t have the time to respond. I get it. When you’re pretty much a one man operation, time can’t be wasted on conversing with potential customers. Oddly enough, the few times I talked to him on the phone I had to cut him off because he just kept on rambling. I should have told him, "Hey, a little less talk and just fix my gear please". LOL! |
Good advice and I have been thinking along those lines as well. I said earlier that I have been casually looking at other phono pre's on this site and USaudiomart.. You brought up a good point that what happens if I need to send them back for some other reason? I have to wait at least another 4 months? No. I'll give him a call and if I don't feel good about his response then I'm not opposed to posting the name of the company. I alluded to the fact that these are not in the same class as say, Quicksilver. Total cost for both units new today would be $827 not including shipping and tax.
cleeds,Yes, it certainly appears that way. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. I appreciate that he doesn't charge for repairs as he "stands by his product". I would prefer to pay for the repairs and get my gear back in a reasonable amount of time. I'm 64 and life's too short. |
I'm trying to get in touch with him today and if I can't get any satisfaction I will reveal the name of the product. I didn't want to come off as one of those vindictive types that come to the forum to soil a company's name because I had a bad experience. I wanted to make sure that others feel as I do and believe that I've shown enough patience. Before his product got a boost from the Stereophile review, he was great to deal with. Now ... maybe not so much. We'll see. |
@cleedsI believe you are correct sir! |
I bought the units about five years ago. I sent the LCR MkIII in for an upgrade to the Silver version a couple of years ago. Funny thing, I had a Mono switch added but he left a wire off so it didn't work. Back then, he wasn't so busy so turnaround was pretty quick. Ever since that Stereophile review his business picked up. As I said before, good for him, not so good for me. So, I don't think I could get my money back. |
As I said earlier, it's great that he "stands by his product" and doesn't charge for repairs as long as you own them. That said, if I knew I'd be waiting four months and counting, I would have preferred to pay for the repair and more than likely get it back in a reasonable amount of time. He's supposed to fix the mono switch he installed but never hooked up in the phono pre in addition to the bad left channel in the Copla step up device. So much for supporting the little guy. |
@ozzy , Do you think I should start a thread here and other audio forums It may be good to inform the new customers what they may be in for. |