How long do high quality speakers "last"

I am the original owner of a pair of ProAc Response 2 speakers. They are almost 7 years old, but have never been driven excessively hard. How long (i.e. useful lifespan in years) can I expect these speakers to "last" (i.e. no significant sonic degradation) if I care for them carefully? When they do start to degrade, what mechanical failures and sonic degradations can I expect to occur? Thanks in advance!!!

Showing 1 response by larryi

A lot of good advice given above; the rare thread that, so far, does not include crazy accusations about other comments/commentators. 

I have not heard any bad comments about ProAc speakers going bad, and I've seen a few older models that are in good working order, so I would guess that they are not particularly prone to early senility.

Speakers age at vastly different rates so there is no handy guide as to how long to expect any given speaker to last--it depends on design, materials, and environment.  I have a local dealer that makes custom speakers out of mostly vintage parts, some of which are extremely old.  Most of the woofers are from the 1940's through 1980's, and compression drivers can be much older than that.  In my own system, I run a compression mid-range driver that is just a bit over 80 years old.