How Long Did It Take You To Build Your Dream Setup?

I hope this isn't too off topic, but I'm curious as to how long it has taken to build your dream setup? I'm on the ever long hunt for MORE and BETTER and I think I need some other users perspective as my neurotic brain is on the hunt monthly for upgrades. 

Showing 6 responses by j-wall

After all these years you still have your table, this is awesome. How do you decide your next and needed upgrade and how do you allocate your funds? And are you at the point of satisfaction or are you still searching for something? What was your favorite upgrade and what upgrade do you feel made little difference? We also need a shot of your record collection!
From all the perspective, I may need to slow down a bit! Young 32 year old here with one year experience and the journey has been too fun and exciting. I don't have any self control and I needed some wiser and experienced input to help me enjoy the ride rather! Speakers are next on my list, but I'd like to do some smaller upgrades too so I'm trying to decide the way to go and rather to walk or run!
I'm in the same boat. The dream to upgrade is within reach, but the question remains to if I "should". Being newer to the hifi realm has made every upgrade revolutionary, but also creates more of the "what if I do this?" Or the "should I just settle?". Everyone was telling me to upgrade speakers first, but I went table to phonostage to amp and now my Kef's are the weak link. Decisions, decisions...

And thanks for the community's input! I can't believe all the posts and can't thank everyone enough for the effort to help. 
@geoffkait  How do you mean? My wallet looses every time I make a thought of a new purchase