How is Windows Vista?

Has anyone played with Windows Vista beta version? Is the Audio setup superior to XP? Does it still have k-mixer problem?

I have been thinking about buying a new PC to support multi-media feature and 200gig of Apple lossless files, but wondering if I want to wait until next Feb. I can't change to Mac mainly because of misc other reasons.

Using iTune and ipod exclusively.

Showing 1 response by michaelct

FWIW, I'm a long time Mac user. I've always had to
have a Windows machine in my office, but only to deal
with files clients send me. My new Intel Macs run Windows
either from a direct boot to Windows, or virtually, using
Parallels software. ( about $80 ). Windows in a window, so to speak.
Both scenarios work flawlessly.
Windows XP runs as almost as fast in virtualization as it does solo.
I actually cannot tell the difference. That is not an exaggeration.

So, for the price of a Windows OS license,
you can have the best of both worlds ( not that I've ever found
anything even approaching 'good' with Windows ),
if you buy a Mac.

For another ~ $80 you can run both, simultaneously.

My Windows machine was donated to charity yesterday.