How is Windows Vista?

Has anyone played with Windows Vista beta version? Is the Audio setup superior to XP? Does it still have k-mixer problem?

I have been thinking about buying a new PC to support multi-media feature and 200gig of Apple lossless files, but wondering if I want to wait until next Feb. I can't change to Mac mainly because of misc other reasons.

Using iTune and ipod exclusively.

Showing 3 responses by albertporter

I recently read an article about Vista.

Anyone wishing to maintain their privacy AND quality playback of music and movies should read. The author works for the following companies:


And here is his article on Vista.

I think forum responses by members at the end of the article (link you provided) This one addresses the Microsoft cover.

Wish I owned the stock, elated I have no need for the software.
People say you can't have it both ways, but Michaelct proved them wrong :^).

If I worked in the hard core business world instead of advertising and photography, I too would have been a Windows guy.

At least now everyone has a choice, you can run Windows on a Mac and turn it over to Tiger when work is done and "play" on your own time.

My son is a Windows kid. He loves my Mac and plays on it every chance he gets, but he is also a big time gamer and games written for Windows are numerous, compared to the few for Mac.

Lately he has been wondering what might happen if he bought a Mac and set it up for Windows to play games. I think that would be a waste of time but it shows that people of all ages are at least considering a Mac, and for all kinds of reasons.

A few years ago it looked like Mac might be down for the count. I was a big supporter, but thank goodness there are a few others on board now.