How is the Pass Labs X150.5 at low volume?

I’m interested in owner’s thoughts on the X150.5 I’m thinking of parting ways with my ARC D400MKII. The X150.5 has been on my want list…I’m mainly a late night, low volume listener. Wondering how the Pass does at low levels.

Pre: Primaluna prologue 3
Speakers: ProAc Response D2
DAC- Arc dac-7
Streamer: Aurender N100SC 

Showing 2 responses by audioconnection

Pass Labs is a nice warm sounding amp
just in my opinion not a great match with Proacs the lower input impedance will load down your preamp try a smaller simpler design from ARC .Proac and ARC are a great match or keep your D400 and get a RefARC pre I wanted to keep out of this but there was too many guys just saying how great things are without understanding your true question of Proac/ARC best, JohnnyR 
yes the pass amp will load down your tube pre amp
like I said .
what part of my statement  don’t you understand.?
try to listen to your ARC amp. With an ARC Ref level Pre amp
and you should be in great shape