How is my loading affecting my sound?

I bought a Tom Evans The Groove recently with high gain and 562 the gain is .2mv. I am using a Dynavector XV-1S set for 2.47g on a EMT 948 table. It is a .3mv cartridge which the recommendation is for greater than 30ohms loading.

What difference should the loading make? How does too high differ from too low or just right? Since I own a phonostage that has hardwired loading, how will I know what to have it set to?

How does loading change cartridge setup?

Showing 1 response by nsgarch

The Bent Audio site provides such a clear explanation, it's a pity it applies only to systems which employ a step up transformer in the path between cartridge and phono preamp (or "phonostage" if it's built into your main preamp.)

There are a number of threads (about 50) here on Agon that go into great detail on (moving coil) cartridge loading. You can access them easily by selecting 'analog' for the category field, and 'loading' for the keyword.