How is it ? that a tuner smokes the table ???

"(cats out of the bag)"

my friends dynalab 109 tube tuner blows away his turntable front end that costs 4X as much!!!

Can any one explain how a cd or analog turntable at a radio station gets played and sent thru the air and gets
reconstructed at the tuner is the single highest quality
source in hiend two channel reproduction !

that blows me away and I can understand it ?

IMHO tuner highest source than turntable than CD in that order.

I wish somebody told me this before I spend so much money !

what sayest thou ?

Showing 1 response by pryso

Some random comments:

$ does not = Q. The mere cost of a turntable set up is not a guarantee of quality.

FM potential still exists but the number of stations with quality broadcasting seems to be declining.

I believe the value of FM is highly dependent on where you live. In So. Cal. the quality of both programming and broadcast has declined over the past 10 years. While I can receive at least 25 stations (no recent count) not more than 3-4 are worth listening to. When visiting friends in RI a few years ago, we listened to two live concert broadcasts from Boston one evening on a 40+ year old Fisher tuner, they were both outstanding.

On the best of days, I've not heard an FM broadcast that can compare with the frequency extension, soundstage presentation, or dynamics of a good vinyl system.

As suggested by others, I agree there must be a problem with component matching or set up (or both) in Jimpcn's friend's table system.