How is it ? that a tuner smokes the table ???

"(cats out of the bag)"

my friends dynalab 109 tube tuner blows away his turntable front end that costs 4X as much!!!

Can any one explain how a cd or analog turntable at a radio station gets played and sent thru the air and gets
reconstructed at the tuner is the single highest quality
source in hiend two channel reproduction !

that blows me away and I can understand it ?

IMHO tuner highest source than turntable than CD in that order.

I wish somebody told me this before I spend so much money !

what sayest thou ?

Showing 3 responses by has2be

Jimpcn...I have heard the MD 109 . No argument over how good it sounds or that it betters the 108 I ended up buying or most if not all tuners for that matter. It should for almost double the price. RF_gumby's response very insightfully and informingly puts it in perspective. Some of my friends think I was nuts to have a 5000 dollar tuner till they hear it that is. I look at it this way, I never have to feed it vynil or CD's so other than a good set of nos tubes I get a lot of milage out of it for that investment.If I had the money I would not hesitate to trade up to the 109. As stated though, really nice , but certainly not as accurate, as vynil when set up properly.
I own a Magnum Dynalab MD 108 tuner. I also live in an area that has not only great reception but a vast choice of stations to listen to. I really like the anolog sound of this tuner and its incredible bass from FM listening. I also own a Michell Gyro SE II. I would never say or think the tuner betters the turntable as if it did I would be correct in thinking the turntable was not set up properly and was in need of adjustment or repair. I will however go as far as saying for listening enjoyment with no fatigue what so ever it gives up not too much to my Esoteric DV50S but that definately may be in part that I just turn it on set it to the station I want and forget about it. If I did not live in an area with so much clear reception and choices to listen I probably would not feel the same. But a tuner any brand beating out a turntable properly set up especially a table 4 times the price which would be 25,000 dollars. Never, unless it had issues. Cheers. should also actually read the other posts. I did clearly state the 109 was better than the 108...