How important is tuning?

I had a reciever NAD(25W) and I was playing my music on a Phillips DVD I also had JMlab speakers. I did not like how it sounded it was sharp and edgy. Psychicanimal brought me some cords which he called "tuned", a PS Audio Juice bar, and some sort of cones for the DVD that mad a incredible improvement. The sound was so smooth your ear could not get tired of listening to it. The question is, Is knowing how to "tune the equipment" more important than buying all the expensive things out there??

Showing 1 response by hpshps

You need to include cables, equipment support, power and your listening room in your definition of "all the expensive things out there". A great amp starved for juice in a room with standing waves coupled to a vibrating floor simply stops being a great amp. The same goes for your other equipment categories.

In my book, "tuning" only starts once all the basics are in place, whereby "tuning" means going over all the small details again rather than tuning in the sense of tuning a piano.

Fine-tuning a room and system can be very interesting (and educational) and can often be had for reasonable amounts of money or no money at all. Experimenting with speaker placement, for example, typically only costs time.