How important is the transport when using a DAC?


I've been thinking lately, if my transport is extreme low-end, is having a nice DAC a waste of time? In other words, if I am using a $60 Sony DVD/CD player to deliver the digital signal through a coax cable to my Arcam r-Dac, is that not doing it justice? Do you recommend I upgrade my transport to better meet the quality of the DAC or does it not matter?

I would really welcome someone demonstrate this difference in sound for me. I have yet to hear it.
Many fairly high end CD players used to use 29 dollar computer transports.

Then again, they are selling Cardas Gold CAT5 cable now for music go figure...
Well...if there ONE thing you can get away with not having to spend loads of money (unless ultimate musical reproduction is a must), inexpensive transport it is...but experiment with few inexpensive dvd players and you might hear a difference too...
maybe borrow a better transport from a friend and spend a sat. afternoon investigating.
Hi LearyScott

I had a $30 Memorex DVD player as a transport to a Musiland MD-11 DAC and this combo was very un-involving. When listening to music all I could picture in my head was grey cold steel. I later changed the transport to a Cambridge Audio CD player that had a significantly better build quality and the overall sound improved. YMMV.

What transports are you eyeing?

I guess that all depends on what and where you want to take your system.

This has been discussed many, many times here, and the answer is always that the transport makes a big difference.

What that means to you, you'll have to decide.
