How important is the amp?

Over the last few year I have upgraded my phono amp (Sensor Prelude), Turntable (SAC Girati Grande) etc.

But I have never upgraded my integrated amp, a Symphonic Line La Musica. At what point do you upgrade your amplifier. I have been looking at a 2nd hand RG10 mk 4 reference or maybe a Kraftwerk.

When I fool around with cable and other items I can still hear improvements. As long as I can still hear changes in my system when I upgrade I think my amp is still fine or is that a wrong train of thought.

Showing 1 response by paraneer

An amps primary purpose is to properly drive a pair of speakers. So an amp is very important and must be up to this task. It should allow you to listen at whatever level your comfortable at with no worry of clipping or putting it into protection mode.

Since you do not list your speakers, we have no idea if you currently have the right amp for your system or could benefit from an upgrade. If its the wrong amp, then an upgrade becomes very important indeed.