How important is spending time with your gear?

In another topic we're talking about digital input speakers, and it got me thinking about something entirely different. 

How important is it to spend time physically close to your gear, vs. enjoying it's output?  If you could have your gear in another room, or closet, and you were left with just your speakers with no audible downside would you do it?  Would you put your gear away and enjoy the empty space or do you need the physical closeness?

Clearly turntables make this a challenge, and there will be some poopy heads which don't get the question or can't stretch their imagination but for those who can, would you?


Showing 2 responses by bobpyle

A very good question.

If I could enjoy my music without any technology in the listening room, that would be the utopian listening experience.



As a 66 years old music lover and someone who has spent 50 years trying to find hi-fif audio nirvana and have a traditional, expensive and entertaining hi-fi system, I had no intention of "expressing the wish of the next generation."

I was expressing my own view, nobody else's. 

It seems that my thoughts are diametrically opposite to yours and I respect your need to enjoy the aesthetics of your technology. It is this diversity of values and need that makes a hi-fi industry flourish.