How important Is shielding with RCA wires? (Ethan Winer, new video)

Mr. Winer is out with a new video. FYI.



Showing 2 responses by jjss49

+1 @mapman ​​​​@mitch2

i recall that there was a reputable cable maker some time ago (don’t remember who now) who argued that shielding rca i-c’s could hurt the sound a little, but even then that maker admitted that there are many times/places/systems that need the benefits of proper shielding (usually in the context of truly minute phono signals and their connections), which outweighed the minor sonic decrement

i have some unshielded ic’s and but most i have are shielded - and i don’t have the same ic that is constructed with and without shielding as the only difference, so i can’t really say if it helps

and i like others here, have always use shielded connections for analog


i can't figure out if your op is a service or a disservice to the a-gon community 🤣