How important is aesthetics to you in purchasing

audio equipment? For example, there are certain brands that are supposed to sound spectacular, but just look terrible. do you go for the sound or looks or ???
thanks for your input.

Showing 1 response by foreverhififfb5

Good Question! Wow. IT makes you wonder about how we think and what pleases us with this stuff.
I do like equipment to look great, but sound is foremost I think. Still, if It doesn't look good, it's hard to get TOTALLY happy with something you have to look at all the time! Now if it's hidden, I can be MORE HAPPY with the gear if it sounds nice.
Hummmmmm...never thought too much about that. But I think you're right. It does make a difference to how I feel about the gear!
Maybe we're just vain. Naw!...there's an old saying,"if it don't go fast,CROME it!!! I guess that makes sense.