How goofy is this?

While waiting on jumpers for my new Audience au24e speaker cables i got impatient and figured I'd see how things sound with the au24e's to the high posts with a set of zu ibis to the low.

Granted I may have a tin ear but this seems to sound pretty good. I'm hearing - I think, or imagine - more detail, more air, more 3D, more dynamics, and a lot more bass than I was with my biwire Rockefellers.

Is this setup really whacky? Or is it possible I'm really hearing the improvements and not imagining things?

Showing 1 response by bombaywalla

IMHO I think that this is not totally goofy. What you are hearing could be an improvement in sonics. The parallel/shot-gun biwiring does present a different impedance of the speaker to the power amp compared to a single run speaker cable & that alone can be better off for the amplifier. Often manuf will encourage biwiring for their particular speaker models.
What you should do is listening long-term to your music that you are very familiar with. You know what it used to sound like & now you are hearing a new sound. Is the new sound still better few days down the road? 1 week later? 1 month later?