How good is the midrange in the DK Design VS-1Mk2?


I am an avid new age listener, and listen to the likes of Vangelis, Jean Michel Jarre, and Tangerine Dream to name a few, and I was wondering how you would compare the DK Design Group VS-1 Mk. 2 Integrated Amp midrange to a good tube amp midrange? Which do you think is better and why? I have a rebuilt and retrofited Dynaco 70 by Will Vincent of Auto Specialty in Idaho, and it has a very detailed and transparent midrange, and I love it. Matching components include the Eastern Electric Minimax CD player with mullard tubes, Sonic Euphoria preamp, and I have a pair of the Morel 403.5 speakers to complete this nice little system. However, I am planning on running the DK Design VS-1 MK2 with Tyler Acoustic Super Towers in my living room. Thanks much for your help.



Showing 1 response by jlas

Hi,I have had this monster for about three months and currently using dutch philips 6992 SQs.They are a superb sounding valves.I changed the interconnects from a Tom Evans Microgroove plus to the amp from the supplied ones to the Nordost Valhallahs,the clarity improved but the soundstage dropped.Iwas reccomended to try Blue Boys has any of you guys had experience of these.Not withstanding this a brilliant hybrid amp.