How good is the Artisan Fidelity Lenco 75??

Hello- I have a friend who is selling his Artisan Fidelity Lenco 75 with the Origin Live Conqueror MK3 tone arm??- Is this considered a good table/ arm combo - Getting back into vinyl and he highly rec. this unit- If I do get it what cart. used in the $2k range would you rec. for it
He also has a Joule-Electra OPS-1 with sep power supply he is selling- Is that a good phono pre-
thanks so much for the advice-
Those should both be superb components.  My only hesitation would be the price.  Since AF turntables are costly, I assume your friend would like to recoup a large fraction of his investment, which is completely understandable.  On the other hand, AF turntables are always gorgeous to look at.  So, if you value the appearance and can pay the price, I'd say go for it.  The Lenco is a wonderful turntable.  I own one that I personally modified, extensively.  It competes with many great turntables.
thanks - He wants $6k for the table and arm- He said it only has around 100 hrs- the black case(?) looks like it was done at a high end auto paint shop-
the joule electra is around $2k-ish he said -Is that a fair deal?? He said it is a friends deal??????????????
6k is way too much. You can get the PTP Lenco for half the price - google it - its well reviewed and currently in Stereophles Class A turntable list. I have no relationship with PTP.

I do own a slate plinth L75 Lenco I rebuilt with the PTP top plate. Its a great sounding turntable and has proven to be very reliable and low maintenance in the five years I have been using it.
IMO, $6000 for a Artisan Fidelity Lenco 75 with the Origin Live Conqueror MK3 tonearm is a fair asking price.  Artisan Fidelity tables are works of art and there is a premium price associated with that level of fit and finish. 
guys thanks- I think I am going to get it- So what cart. in the used $2000 area would you rec.- also what about the Joule Electra OPS-1 is that a good phono stage - thanks