How good is Pass INT25?

Hi everyone. I have been reading so much about this integrated even some people trading their Luxman class A, Sugden etc for this amp.

I decided to start a topic where i can get inputs from owners no just reviewers.

I have heressy IV and i listen at low to moderate levels on apt life.

I had owned luxman class A several times and sugden in different system.

Much appreciated your time and happy holidays.




Showing 1 response by jjss49

i have the xa25 which is the power amp section of the int25, i run a dac with volume control into it, so it is functionally working very similarly to the int cousin fed with a fixed output source

sonically, in build quality, and in terms of the company and people who stand behind it, it is absolutely superb, without qualification

whether it will please you more than luxman or sugden class a amps driving your speakers, i really can’t say