How good is my source?

I have a CAL CL 20 dvd player, since upgrading from my early 90's I've used the Sony 7700, Cal CL 10 and a CAL Alpha w/ a Kinergetics transport, I prefer the CL 20 over my previous sources but I am curious how much better units such as the Wadia 830, the Meridian 508.24 and the Electrocompaniet player are. I've checked some reviews but they haven't been much help. the Wadia review I read said it was on whole other level from players like the CAL but the review I read on the CAL said the differences between it and the Dcs combo where "almost superfical", I find both these comments hard to believe

Showing 1 response by mrowlands

Mkaes, I'm afraid Cornfedboy didn't get his cornflakes this morning! We realize that not all of us can afford this stuff brand-new and get in-home demos on it. Anyway, having relatively good ears, a very revealing system, and a CL-20, I feel the CL-20 is very good but allows a bit of that digital listening fatigue on CDs. For me, a Perpetual Tech P1/P1A/P3A combo proved less fatiguing. But much of the new CD stuff has improved filtering, upsampling, re-sampling, or what not that reduces that fatigue. Wadia has been a pioneer in this game. I've heard the 830 at the dealer from whom I bought the CL-20 and thought it did indeed sound better on CDs, but couldn't afford it at the time. Now I have a Philips SACD1000 and even after hearing the crappier SACDs it's hard to go back to CDs. But here's a test for you, if you can hear a significant difference on the CL-20 between a CD and one of Classic's or Chesky's (decent) DADs, some of the newer gear makes CDs sound almost as good as the DADs on the Cal. Hope this helps a little.

Mike R.