How good is good enough?

Most of us here cannot afford six figure prices for each component (assuming that will bring the best sound.) So how far do we want to go to improve our systems? There are always bigger fish. When does it stop? It stops when we say it stops, when our gear brings us satisfaction. To constantly strive for better sound is an endless quest, not necessarily based on the quality of our set but on our personality.


Showing 1 response by scott22

I just reached mine yesterday adding a second sub to my stand mounted integrated amp driven CD player. I started when I was 20 now 75.

Now I gotta focus on increasing my hearing range, which begs the question what is listening thru hearing aids like?

"More than 40% of people over 70 have difficulty hearing, compared to around 5% of people under 40. On average, the hearing threshold worsens by one decibel every year after the age of 50."