How good is Blue Sound Node 2 in WiFi vs Ethernet connection vs external CD player?

I'm considering purchasing the Node 2 in order to use Tidal in my external DAC that is much better than the internal DAC.  My objective is to have access to CD quality via Tidal in my external DAC.  However, my question is if I do not use a Ethernet connect but just use WiFi for streaming tidal, will the quality still be as good as my external DAC playing the actual CD's?

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As @mahler123 stated .. the devil is in the details. I use the WIFI connection and find the sound quality is superb with Tidal and my own uncompressed FLAC library. Yes, I have a pretty robust internet connection and a good router. Rarely a hiccup. 

@arafiq  .. it's like any other component really (i.e., you can spend $20 or $20,000 on an amp, preamp, DAC, etc.). For me, the Node 2 ticked all of the boxes when I was looking for a streamer. The Aries Mini was a close 2nd. Bluesound's broad focus is to be a whole-house hi-res solution. Their products work great alone and grouped/synced together. I also have a Pulse Flex in my bedroom and will likely purchase another at some point. Would someone else be happy with an ATV or a Chromecast Audio? Absolutely. BTW, I have 2 Apple TV's and the Node 2 is much better to my ears. FWIW, I've used the Node 2 with it's on-board DAC, my Chord Qute EX, and my Schiit Bifrost Multibit.
@arafiq .. the Node 2 is more refined and nuanced with a better sound all around really. Apple TV’s resample everything to 16/48 which may be the reason they sound as though something is missing in comparison. Perfectly good for streaming Apple Music though.
@arafiq .. well, the Sonore microRendu has the computer audio geeks all gaga and is reported to be the "best" out there if you can live with the ethernet-input/USB-output. Wasn't a good option for me (I use wifi with the Node 2) and the price is higher even without an on-board DAC.