How good is Blue Sound Node 2 in WiFi vs Ethernet connection vs external CD player?

I'm considering purchasing the Node 2 in order to use Tidal in my external DAC that is much better than the internal DAC.  My objective is to have access to CD quality via Tidal in my external DAC.  However, my question is if I do not use a Ethernet connect but just use WiFi for streaming tidal, will the quality still be as good as my external DAC playing the actual CD's?

Showing 3 responses by arafiq

I find myself asking the same question regarding the Node, or any streamer for that matter. If you already have a decent DAC that you're satisfied with, why would a Node be better than an Apple TV or Airport Express, or any cheap streamer (Roku, etc).

Surprisingly, there's almost zero information out there that compares, say an Apple Airport Express to Node 2 purely on the basis of streaming capabilities.
@wtf  Assuming that you've done an A/B comparison between Apple TV and Node 2 in the same system, what aspects of the sound improved with the Node? There are not too many people who have used both the ATV and Node in the same system, so I'd be very curious to learn about your experience.
@wtf  Sorry just saw your reply. I guess I should just get one and try it out. Magnolia Design Center carries this brand, so I can always return it if not completely satisfied.

On a secondary thought, I wish someone can build a quality streamer without an internal DAC. I bet the price of the Node would be half if it were not for the built-in DAC.

Thanks for the feedback.