How good does my system have to be to realize an improvement with cables?

I've heard the difference power cables and interconnect cables in a highly resolving system so that's not the question.  $200 for cables  on a $500 DAC doesn't make sense to me.  Wouldn't that $200 be better spent on a better component?  At what point is an expensive cable the best choice?  Spending $500 on a $15,000 DAC does make sense as the transparency and resolution of the component could be better realized with a better signal / power source.

My question is what's the  percentage of the overall component's cost should be the cabling and at what point should it even be considered?

Or put a different way How would you know if your cables are your weakest link?



Showing 1 response by stevewharton

+1 on the ~10% general guideline

Lots of variables in the equation and there appears to be no ceiling in the upper end cost 

Though there are are some price performer gems, while not the best sounding cable, that still sound great and provide better ROI

Just to name a few in my limited travels

Audio Envy


Silversmith Fideliums

Users of Blue Jean cables consistently provide high customer sat ratings as well

Enjoy the journey