How good does a TT have to be for a good cartridge

I have often wondered would you get good sound from a really good cartridge on a decent but not super good table. I am not an analog fanatic. I do own two fairly basic modern tables. One is a plain VPI Scout and the other a Music Hall MMF 5. Could I expect great sound from either one with a very high caliber cartridge that might cost lets say $3-5K . Is this an example of not being able to put lipstick on a pig?

Showing 1 response by stanwal

I have had the Scout [I am a VPI dealer]. While it is a good table I would think a cartridge like the Denon 304 or AT 33EV, both of which I used with it, would exhaust its potential. There are two schools here; mine is that the table is the critical element , very closely follower by the arm. The cartridge is important but it is better to go for the very good TT/arm first; it will get the most from whatever cartridge you choose. Conversely, the lesser table will not realize the full potential of the expensive cartridge. Sell the Scout, put the money from it with most of the 3 to5 k$ and spend something like a $ 1000 on a cartridge. THEN upgrade when and if you have the urge. Otherwise you are wearing out the expensive cartridge without realizing its potential. I am sure others will argue the opposite position.