How good are "Oppo" players?

I'm in Australia, and have heard quite a few good things about Oppo universal disc players, but they're not easy to find here.
They seem capable of playing just about everything, and I want a HDCD/SACD capable player.
But how do they SOUND? Are the DAC's, and other components, up to true high fidelity standards, or are they just a compromise?
Prefer responses from owners, not sellers!

Showing 1 response by willster

I have the very cheapest one for use in my "tv room" and I like it fine. I mostly bought it to get the video upconversion and don't use it as a music player but I took it to a friends house and he liked it so much that he got the next model up from one of the mod houses. I think he spent about $800 total with mods and he is raving about it. I have to go out to his house soon and check it out myself.