How good are grado cartridges

Any thoughts on the grado sonata? I will be mounting on a VPI super scoutmaster

Showing 1 response by monk

I second Rushton's advice, just adding I would opt for the Statement Reference version (.5mV outptut) or the VPI voltage Reference (1.5mV output). I have had a BenzL2, a Shelter 501, now a Celebration v2. I have a good friends Grado VPI output Reference (1.5mV) on a supervised! loan LOL; that is his back up to his Dyna xv-1s, and it is all the Celebration v2 is and then some for me! Now set up seems to be very audible (more so then with the Celebration), VTA, VTF,antiskate (less the better with the Grado), azimuth - assuming you have good cart setup tools(wally tools here), tractors and VTF scale... that curved Grado cantilever is a bit harder to line up than the straight cantilever's of my previous LOmC's with the WallyTractor. Just a little bit off alignment,or overdamped VTF and antiskate, or VTA, and you loose some excitement/vividness the Grado can give(or get too much bass!). I am SO shocked by the Grado holding its own, and then some, I am asking how good the Statement Statement is!

The Celebration does seem to layer better, more depth?,it is definitely a more forward cart; but the Grado digs more info out, tracks way better, way better bass and more fleshed out midbass (the Celebration's weakest atribute IMHO). Big Symphonic works illustrate these differences the most. The Celebration might be more exciting, but the Grado might sound more like the real thing for me. The Celebration you see into the recorded event more. With the Grado, you see through or see-around the players more (which can be overwhelming, challenging, and exhausting with Big Symphonies - as you are in for the ride!). Meat on dem bones!

Basically, The Shelter bettered the Benz here(just a shorter lifespan for me - same as snook2), then the Celebration was a leep forward from the Shelter, and the cheaper Grado Reference seems to at least be on par with the Celebration. (on my Rega, and Basis arms; and my friends SME 12" arm).

I don't plan to move from my Celebration anytime soon, but the Grado Statement Statement might be next for me!